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Home > english-chinese > "the crown of the year" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "the crown of the year"


Related Translations:
sleeve crown:  袖山袖头
crown copyright:  皇家版权
crown gall:  冠婴冠瘿细菌性根癌病
crowned road:  截面起拱的路面起拱道路
coring crown:  金刚石取心钻头岩心钻头
crown top:  灯帽
levee crown:  堤顶
negative crown:  负值中高
collar crown:  颈圈冠
fluorine crown:  氟铬黄
Example Sentences:
1.Primary products come into the market in great deal in the crown of the year . but in a low season , the price of primary products rises very high , which leads to a great loss for producer and consumer . there occurs a new market for dealing with problem , this is the futures market
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