Chinese translation for "the crown of the year"
- 收获季节
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Primary products come into the market in great deal in the crown of the year . but in a low season , the price of primary products rises very high , which leads to a great loss for producer and consumer . there occurs a new market for dealing with problem , this is the futures market 现代期货市场最早产生于美国的芝加哥,由于农产品的集中供给而常年消费的特点,在收获季节农产品大量上市,造成价格的急剧跌落,而在生j户‘的淡季,农产品价格又大幅上升,这给生产者和消费者都带来了巨大的损失,为了解决这个问题出现了一种新的市场形式,这就是期货市场。 |
- Similar Words:
- "the crowds" Chinese translation, "the crown knot" Chinese translation, "the crown of a road" Chinese translation, "the crown of release" Chinese translation, "the crown of the head" Chinese translation, "the crown prince" Chinese translation, "the crowned heads of europe" Chinese translation, "the crowns" Chinese translation, "the crows are in the corn" Chinese translation, "the crrel south pole tunneling system" Chinese translation